President Farmajo sacks Thabit Abdi, the former Banadir Governor


The President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has sacked the mayor of Mogadishu Thabit Abdi Mohamed on Sunday following corruption allegations, the president has also fired Mogadishu’s district commissioners.

The commissioners have on Saturday night elected Thabit Abdi to stay put at the office for the next two years , strengthening Thabit’s political tussle with the higher Federal leaders including the PM. Thabit has been relieved off his duty early this morning through a presidential decree and was replaced with current Information minister Eng Abdirahman Omar Osman Yarisow.

The replacement came after the former mayor was accused of widespread fraud and illegally managing government properties in Mogadishu during his term in office.

In the past few months, he has been in a political scuffle with the Federal government leaders, especially President Farmajo and PM Hassan Ali Khaire over the status of the capital and the city’s security responsibility.

Thabit Abdi Mohamed was appointed to the position in early April 2016 by president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo after he contributed to the election campaign of the President during 2017 polls.

After a fallout with Villa Somalia and the relations soared, former Mayor has organized an overnight conference at his office with district commissioners claiming to have elected him as governor for a 2 year term.

The overall security of the city was beefed up by Somali Intelligence officers deployed on the main streets and around the mayor’s office to prevent a pro-Thabit rally.

Thabit M Abdi, a former Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Somalia in the US was named last year as the Mayor of Mogadishu and Banadir region govenor.