Bogga hore
Wararka Maanta
English News
Ummadda Media Online – Reporting What Matters, Breaking News, War Deg Deg ah, Somalia News, Mogadishu News
Bogga hore
Wararka Maanta
Diyaarad 61 qof saarnaayeen oo ku burburtay dalka Brazil
Shir Muqdisho uga socday Wasiirada Maaliyadda DFS iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada oo…
Golaha Wasiiradda Soomaaliya oo ansixiyey Xeerka Doorashooyinka
IMF oo sheegtay in Soomaaliya ay ka gudubtay hannaanka dib-u-eegista 5-aad…
Shirka Madaxda DFS iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada oo Muqdisho ka furmay
English News
Plane crashes in Brazil’s Sao Paulo state, kills all 61 aboard,…
Somalia’s cabinet approves bill for universal suffrage
Kenya’s delay games is sign of their bankrupt legal argument –…
Somalia’s politicians strike a last-minute deal, but fears of conflict remain…
Ethiopia says it foiled terror attack against UAE embassy
Kenya’s delay games is sign of their bankrupt legal argument –…
A credible election is the only way to avoid total chaos…
Biden can’t fix Somalia – UM
Khaire is wrong: Somalis will fight for their sea – UM
Ra’iisul Wasaare Waddooyin la xiro siyaasad ma ahan – UM
Faallo: Somaliland maxay ku faleysaa Midnimo?
A time for reflection on Africa’s future – Liban Osbiye
Is Somalia gradually inching towards debt cancellation? – Abdulkadir Khalif
Will Somalia Share Yemen’s Fate?
Does Kenya Really Want To End Terrorism? – Modern Diplomacy
Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi oo Geeriyooday
Shirkadda SpaceX oo labo cirbixiyeen u dirtay hawada sare
John Bolton oo loogu baaqay inuu bixiyo caddeymo la xiriira xilka…
Mobile money transfers have taken off in Somalia. But there are RISKS
Social Media impact in an English language Classroom
Xulka G/Banaadir oo ku guuleystay koobkii tartanka ciyaaraha Gobolada Soomaaliya
Xulka kubada cagta G/Banaadir oo 3-1 uga badiyay xulka K/Koonfur Galbeed
We are proud of you Somalis tell their footballers
Waad guulaysateen, waxaad samayseen taariikh cusub – UM
Zimbabwe oo Soomaaliya ka badisay
Tag: Mogadishu
Disappointment 2019 budget will not create jobs
November 2, 2018
There are no friends in politics, Mr. Speaker – UM
May 1, 2018
Whoever the new Speaker, confidence in Somali politics has been weakened
April 20, 2018
Militarising Mogadishu will not keep it safe – UM
March 28, 2018
Car Bomb Kills At Least 4 People Near Parliament in Somalia...
March 25, 2018
Speaker v PM: It will be one or the other! –...
March 17, 2018
Summary of president Farmajo’s speech to Parliament
March 11, 2018
Time to audit AMISOM’s performance before it is too late -UM
March 9, 2018
Somali women still feel marginalized -UM
March 8, 2018
Somali tech entrepreneur breaks glass ceiling – UM
March 8, 2018
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